Click the titles for details, progress shots and context pictures.

Created as part of the Visionary Muses collective.
This picture portrays visionary painter Toni Taylor as a night elf, welcoming the sunset with full awareness of its possibilites.

Painted as part of the Visionary Muses collective.
This picture portrays visionary painter Emily Kell as a creature of the swamp alchemizing darkness into light.

Oil sketch made as a study for a larger painting.
With her blind eyes the moon chased sunlight... she became light herself.

Masculinity is caring and sweet, open to the world.
Look within and be receptive to what may come.

Goddess Earth holds the Cosmos in her center.
We are made in her likeness:
divine beings in earthly bodies.

If we are to be whole, we must have a light and a dark side.
Empowerment is integration and acceptance of the whole being.

The spirit of Mother Ayahuasca and medicine songs in the jungle.
Painted at Chris Dyer's 2019 Art & Medicine Retreat in Perú.
Under the guidance of Mauro Reátegui.

The wound is where the light enters you.
Intuitive self portrait using the “alla prima” technique and mirror as reference.
Made overnight under the influence of sacred mushrooms.

Mural on the sweat lodge of beautiful holistic center "Villas Xichú" in San Miguel de Allende.
Powerful temazcal with the wise medicine of the Grandmothers.

The beautiful romance between lunar and solar forces is a miracle within us.
Mural at Pacha MoMA visionary art museum in Mexico.

Grandma Earth's sweet and brief caress on our long journey as wandering stardust.
My own grandmother and beloved art teacher appears as Earth on this painting.

Awake and penetrating the Sun infuses life and passion in all that he touches.
Fire of new beginnings, seed of inspiration.
Part of a private collection in Mexico.

Loving guide in Wonderland.
This painting pictures the moment where I wake up from a Bufo Alvarius ceremony (5-MeO-DMT) accompanied by a woman named Alicia.

Goddess of spring embracing her shadow as initiation.
Blooming from the dark dephts.
Also goddess of the Underworld.
Sacred death and rebirth.

Magical portal of reconnection to the sacred art of painting.
Awakening to a new vision.

The Virgen de Guadalupe watches over all of us.
A true symbol of the resilience and flexibility of a culture through syncretism.
Her loving caress touches all of our hearts.

A mermaid dreams of eating a warm soup while she watches humans on the beach enjoying their vacations.
Painting made for the SOPART 2023 art contest hosted by Maruchan.
Currently a finalist, waiting for results.

A fairy child is born when a human chooses to believe in magic and makes a wish.
Watercolor painting made for the Drawtober 2023 challenge hosted on Instagram.

The Shapeshifter Goddess is fearsome, for she represents the dual nature of life and death.
Facing the Sphinx is to realize we are already dying, annihilation and life force riddle her eyes, and behind her fatal enigma comes the realization of infinitude.

Deep into the beating heart of earth, a warm embrace from the mountain Goddess nurtures new life.
The Sun watching over it all, we are never alone.
Sonqo Pacha means Heart of the Earth in Quechua.

In the depths of all reality lies a dark force, consuming everything in its path.
Surrendering to the shadows in all vulnerability is a test of courage.
A trusting heart will lead the way to victory.

Inspired on the Tarot card with the same name, Number 0, a character full of innocent hope and fatal surrender.
The Fool teaches us that even in death we cannot lose anything that is truly ours.

Painted during the 2018 Visionary Painting Intensive under the guidance of Alex and Allyson Grey.
This painting talks about rising above your inner demons and embracing your divine nature.

Representing the warrior within us, the force that carries us through our darkest moments.
She is wearing flower armor showing the strength in vulnerability.